Thursday, April 12, 2012

PvP Ice zon? Help!

[:1]So I'm bored and trying to think of a build I've never built yet, and this one came to mind. I've been doing a bit of planning (I feel like it'd be a good idea to hybridize it to some extent, part GA part ice) and the big question comes down to this:

Cold arrow has an effect where, aside from the flat cold damage dealt, it converts a percentage of your physical damage to cold. At high levels this can get up to around 90% conversion. Is it better to use a high damage set-up such as Faith GMB, etc, and optimize the elemental damage conversion of cold arrow, or to go for the straight up flat cold damage of Freezing Arrow and use Ice in a mat bow? Will Ice's %damage increase affect the converted damage done by cold arrow? I know it also has a -enemy resistance effect, but if I use cold arrow instead of freezing it's sort of pointless because it's really hard to do high physical damage with Ice. Also something to take into account is whether or not Ice/Freezing arrow's flat damage is affected by attack rating. I seem to recall seeing somewhere that the flat damage dealt by elemental arrows is not AR-based, but I would assume that the converted damage dealt by Cold Arrow is.

P.S. This is not a "Can I make this build work effectively?" question. I know it's a ridiculous build and likely to get slammed by 90% of people I meet. I'm resigned to that fact.|||use ice gmb, a 60ias armor, andyface, cats/highlord, 1 raven 1 bk, 20ias kb gloves

it works well, �just use freezing arrow in pvp |||or a mat bow, that works to |||Yeah, I was about to say that mat would work a lot better than gmb for freezing arrow. How do you solve the mana issues? Just keep a buttload of mana pots in your belt?|||I'm not sure how happy people are going to be with your holy freeze aura while dueling, but I'm assuming that since your using freezing effects its going to be mainly bm/public duels. I really dont know how the conversion factor applies when using ice arrow so I really can't put too much input on that. It either has to convert a portion of your base physical damage, or a portion of your overall physical damage, I'm not sure which. That should however be affected by any cold %damage modifiers you have I would assume. Overall though I think your damage output from a high level synergized freezing arrow would outweigh the damage of cold arrow easily anyway so maybe it doesn't matter.

Usually in PVM those that use freezing arrow heavily rely on an insight polearm on their merc for mana, but since your dueling you will have to rely on an abundance of mana potions, and since you shouldn't be using health potions in duels anyway, it shouldn't be too bad.

Since your going split, guided arrow/frozen arrow you could actually have Faith on one weapon slot and ice on switch, that way you can rattle off a few guided arrows at a distance and then when they get to close switch to your ice to slow them down so you can get out of danger, rinse and repeat until its over (assuming they don't have teleport, which is a pretty bad assumption) Not a bad idea but not sure if the slowing will help you any with everyone using enigmas anyway.|||Yeah, I know people get miffed about Holy Freeze, but honestly I'm an ice zon in a pvp game, I think they can cut me some slack considering how weak the character is in the first place. I was considering the faith/ice combo, but I'm not sure I want to give up my cta. Health is a good thing to have. I might keep a faith stashed for people who try to sorb me. I think that FA and GA complement each other nicely because guided has the range to keep you out of danger, but freezing arrow can't be blocked by conventional means (at least the ice damage can't).

Edit: So right now the gear and skill setup is looking like this:

60 ias armor

35 ias andy's


aldur's boots


20 ias kb gloves

Ice mat bow/Windforce on switch (Windforce actually does more damage than faith at higher levels, and with all the absurd amounts of ias I have I don't need the fanat much)

Cat's Eye

9x bowa gcs

Max freezing arrow, max cold arrow, max guided arrow (ice arrow doesn't add to damage, only freeze duration) rest goes into passives.

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