Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Strafer with or without Faith


Building my Strafer now, going with Windforce myself and Faith on my merc in mind. (havent made Faith yet)

However, Im not sure anymore if I want to go that way. Perhaps i want to use the Faith myself in a GMB or something. Especially for the resale value, as im not rich.

What are the cons and pros for both "builds", and what do people here recommend?

I want to do mostly Chaos / Pits runs etc.

Cheers!|||If you are going pure Strafe, then Faith is not needed on your merc(or yourself).

Use Windforce and have an A2 might merc with Pride.|||Quote:

If you are going pure Strafe, then Faith is not needed on your merc(or yourself).

Use Windforce and have an A2 might merc with Pride.

Good to get a reply from you, as its your guide im using

Im using both strafe and multi. Maxed strafe and around 10 multi with +skills.

Does IAS not affect strafe at all ?

I tend to use Multi actually alot..|||If you use multi, then I would use a faith GMB + might / pride merc.|||Okey, thanks for the reply. I have read tho, that after lvl 85 the Windforce on yourself + Faith on merc actually do more damage than Faith GMB + might merc.|||WF+Faith is actually less desirable than WF+Might/Pride or Faith+M/P, and becomes less so as you get higher up and acquire more damage charms. Between the two M/P setups, its really splitting hairs as neither pulls significantly ahead in any endgame scenario.

Plus, as Krembanan implied, Faith benefits Strafers much less than M/P does. Faith's effectiveness comes from both damage and IAS bonuses, but Strafe hits its maximum speed with very little additional IAS, meaning most of Faith's IAS bonus goes to waste, and all you're left with is the much smaller damage bonus. M/P's straight damage bonus, though, never hits a cap, of course.

Faith mercs for zons, sadly, are largely a relic of 1.12 and the Age of Iron Maiden in the Chaos Sanc.|||wf and might merc has the advantage that its damage can go >9000|||Quote:

wf and might merc has the advantage that its damage can go >9000

I'm glad you gave me a reason to link this vid |||Quote:

wf and might merc has the advantage that its damage can go >9000

Here is my Wf Strafer @lvl 80:|||Quote:

Here is my Wf Strafer @lvl 80:

Hmm, at lvl 80 im only at 4,4k dmg with strafe, Is that alot of SC's and GC's with +max dmg / atk rating? Or am i missing something? Gearwise, we have about that same, except for the helm. Not sure what you have socketed the gear with either.

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