Wednesday, April 18, 2012

PvP ice zon?

I met one of these once, however I was sorbing people at the time so I wasn't able to ascertain whether he actually worked. I was thinking since the ice tree leaves you with a lot of leftover points I could probably max guided arrow too for an alternative. Bear in mind, I'm clearly not looking for a super powered build that can't be sorbed. I'm well aware that people can and probably will sorb an ice zon in pvp games, but I'm wondering if this is viable against a gm player.

Gear would be like this probably:



60 ias/life armor (or 160/60/life armor if you're richer than I am)

3 bow/20 ias gloves

+3 ice mat bow (maybe a stashed faith gm for extensive use of guided)



Treks or possibly aldur's




9x bow gcs

This gets me up to about 4.5k freezing arrow damage (or theoretically I could use ice arrow which uses half the mana and does about 300 less damage. But I'm not sure if this is attack rating dependent, which would be obnoxious).

So yeah, what do people think? Like I said, not looking to go pro here, just kind of fooling around.|||Really? No thoughts whatsoever on my ice maiden?|||They suck.

That's a thought.

No really, have you considered how you will hit people? People will just dodge your arrows.

P.S. And yes, ice arrow is ar depending IIRC.|||Well, that's what I thought. But then I remembered that javazons don't have any kind of autoaim to their skill and they regularly hit people from a distance. So do fireball sorcs, lite sorcs and probably some other builds I can't think of right now. And I'm just wondering if they might not suck, assuming the other guy isn't stack/sorbing you to death. It's similar to a blizz sorc's ice blast except that it moves faster and doesn't have all the -res of cold mastery behind it.|||sure it should hit - similarly how sorcs use ice balls and fire balls. however ama lacks the damage of fire ball, the massive -res of ice ball and mobility, so it spells doom lol |||It just wouldn't do enough damage, especially if your opponent had stacked resist or absorb on.

Skills like fireball or blizzard have huge damage and huge -res, which ice arrow doesn't have. You're better off just having a high damage physical attack. Skills like guided arrow, multi shot, and strafe are much more effective dueling skills with a bowazon.|||Quote:

Well, that's what I thought. But then I remembered that javazons don't have any kind of autoaim to their skill and they regularly hit people from a distance.

The main attack of javazons isn't their ranged attack. Their main attack charged strike. On top of that, they have much more defense and their attack is autohit (so auto knockback).


So do fireball sorcs, lite sorcs and probably some other builds I can't think of right now.

All sorcerers have much more mobility and more damage. Not to mention more speeds. And that's why they work. If you can teleport at 7 fpa and fire at 7 fpa, such a build works.


It's similar to a blizz sorc's ice blast except that it moves faster and doesn't have all the -res of cold mastery behind it.

It's not even really similar to a blizz sorcerer. For one, blizz sorcerers have blizzard and that still is their main attack. Hence it's similar to a javazon. Both are deadly at close range while having decent ranged attacks.

Feel free to prove me wrong though.

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