Thursday, April 12, 2012

WitchWild String Sockets?


Just found a close to perfect WWS bow and will be atempting to make a Strafeazon with it.

My question is when planning on strafe as main skill, what will then be the best to put in the 2 sockets of the WWS bow?

I've just read chipmc' guide on this build, who says the best would be 2 shaels', but I've also read some newer posts where people say that IAS isnt important when you use strafe.

So what would be the best to socket with?



Just found a close to perfect WWS bow and will be atempting to make a Strafeazon with it.

So what would be the best to socket with?


Try that old thread socketing WWS.|||if you don't need the shaels (as in, you've already hit the breakpoint you want), there are several options:

An eth run will lower enemy defense by 25%, severely increasing your chance to hit them. This is the cheapest useful option.

Ists, if you're MFing

If you don't have any other kind of knockback, feel free to slap a nef rune in it.

Other then that, i'd go for jewels|||+1 for NefEth if you dont have KB elsewhere. Nothing improves your DPS as efficiently as improving your to-hit chance with Eth, and doubly so for WWS where you want to proc early and often. Except maybe a Jah |||Shaels won't do much compared to Eth or ED/max jewels:

IAS attack speed [ticks] attacks per second
0 6/3/3/3/10 6.25
13 6/3/3/3/9 6.41
26 5/3/3/3/9 6.57
29 5/3/3/3/8 6.75
56 5/3/3/3/7 6.94

I would go for 2xEth but that depends on whether you think knockback is necessary |||knockback is useful, if you have it somewhere else, 2xeth sounds good.

anything more pricy seems like a waste.|||what do you need an eth for. zons already have huge attack rating thanks to high dex and penetrate skill. if anything i'd use one slot for a jah (ignores target def) to dispel this concern altogether. against boss who are immune to itd , you can always use guided arrows (they autohit unless blocked).

the other slot might be for an ed/max jewel. i don't like nef all that much.|||Leo, budget items, remember? Considering that you can easily replace WWS later if you can afford more expensive bows, why put a jah in it? Seems like an economical waste unless you got plenty of those jahs lying around and are planning another bowzon.|||Leo, even considering our baseline AR, Eth is still a huge bonus to our DPS, especially at the price. If you have, say, an 83% chance to hit on average in Chaos Sanctuary, and Eth raises it just to 89% (purely random numbers), thats a 6% total increase to your DPS. There's diminishing returns on pumping AR/dex for to-hit trying to get to that 95% cap, so decreasing defense is the best way to boost your DPS. Even an Ohm might not give you that much, if you already have high dex and enough off-weapon ED.|||Quote:

Leo, budget items, remember? Considering that you can easily replace WWS later if you can afford more expensive bows, why put a jah in it? Seems like an economical waste unless you got plenty of those jahs lying around and are planning another bowzon.

depends on perspective. a good ed upped WWS is worth a fortune on eu sc nl. jahs aren't a big deal compared to the price of a wws. it's not just budget people who make this kind of chars, remember. i've recently made several set based chars just for fun, even though i could have spent those hr's on much better things.

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