Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bowazon Stuck in Hell...

[:1]Yep, it takes about 8 Freezing Arrow shots to take down a non cold immune, I have to go back to town a lot to refill up on Mana Pots. Merc is dying he can't even handle a Zombie 1v1 (lol.) I did alright in NM, but Hell is well, Hell for me xD. Also I'm in HC, so I'll need to focus up on Survivability.

Anyways I was curious...should I just respec (attempt to do Den of Evil in Hell since I used my other 2 for silly reasons >_>) into a Magic Arrow Bowazon, would she do a lot better than this one? (20 Magic Arrow, Valkryie, and Penetrate. And few points in CS, and Pierce?) Please note I like to do non cookie cutter builds/skills so using Strafe or MS is a no-no for me. I'm also not the most richest person to play either... Am I just asking too much of myself to be able to complete Hell with my untwinked Bowazon? Any thoughts and suggestions are welcomed .

Current Skill Layout for my FA:

20 Cold Arrow

20 Freezing Arrow

20 Valkryie

1 Magic Arrow

1 Point into Prereq.

3 Penetrate

6 Pierce


Harmony Blade Bow

Smoke Wired Fleece

Aldur's Advance Battle Boots

Rare War Hat

Hand of Broc Leather Gloves

And other include just random Magic belt, and Resist Rings and Amulets.|||Hi

It looks like you need some mana leech big time. Untwinked that might be difficult :/. Depending on how much patience u have you could try running NM baal with best magic find set up u can scrape up--even socket armors with ptopaz would help untl something like manalds or crecsent moon ammy orphans call belt --anything with mana leech really-- drops.

Mana leech and stacking every cold dam sc u can find (dont worry bout the damage whats important is every cold prefix and suffix= .25 second of freeze time in hell--.50 if you get a prefis AND suffix on same charm) can make it easier. The xtra cold time should keep em frozen till u can leech ur mana back.

Crafting some hitpower gloves might be an option as well. The knockback can by you some time on the cold immunes and if you get lucky and get other useful mods then thats nice too

Another option is make insight in the best elite or at least exceptional pole arm u can and give it to your merc --depending on what stick he is using atm it could also help his killing a bit since damage of insight in a halfway decent stick is not too shabby--no its not gonna have damage of doom or pride or something but it can still get the job done. ALso hopefully u mad ehim a smoke or lionheart or something to help with his resists and while/ if u decide to run NM baal keep eye out on ANY kind of hat that has life leech. Hopefully a tals hat will drop (or maybe two cuz when push comes to shove tals hat can cover a bowieszons leeching woes all by itself--she's just gotta learn to live with all the snickering at her purple pigtails :P ) but even a wormskull or something is better than nothing.

At this point I wouldnt respec UNLESS it was to switch from 20 poit valk 2 20 point decoy. Hard points in decoy add life to valk and increases the decoys duration AND lowers its mana cost. So 20 points in decoy and 1 hard point in valk means TWO cheap tanks u can recast as needed which can help with mana issues as well.

Thats all I can think of--considering strafe or even multi isnt an option u want to go with. But I hope it helped a little and good luck

Kaytie|||Alright sweet, thanks a ton for the help ! Time to do some NM Baal.|||Quote:

Please note I like to do non cookie cutter

builds/skills so using Strafe or MS is a no-no for me.



Harmony Blade Bow

Smoke Wired Fleece

Aldur's Advance Battle Boots

Rare War Hat

Hand of Broc Leather Gloves

And other include just random Magic belt, and Resist Rings and Amulets.

Well if you're going to eschew the cookies, then you have to expect a little bit more difficulty. There's a reason they're cookie cutter - because they work the best

That being said, yes, your gear is lacking. I think even a Lore helmet would benefit you for the +1 skill.

There's no reason your merc cant hold his own against non-unique A1 Hell fodder. Insight Elite polearm is an easy answer, as is a Blood Crafted helm if nothing else for some leech. Hell, even just sticking an Amn in an elite spear or polearm is a start. Once you get Insight, you might consider switching to a Prayer merc if you currently run Might, since you're HC. The Meditation aura will double up your Prayer regen, which helps keep you both alive even against unleechable monsters.|||What level are you? For an untwinked char I would advise waiting until youre ~80 before starting hell.

Stick some perfect topazes in a helm and do some N/M runs. You'll get easy xp, and who knows maybe something like a Manald ring or a razortail belt will drop.

Also, are you using a merc? Having an extra tank will help. Maybe you can come up with the runes for insight? That will solve your mana problem.

Other than that your gear looks pretty decent for an untwinked char. Lore helm might help, you want as many +skills as possible.

Also, (if youre not already) use decoy, It's an awesome skill that can save you 90% of the time.|||Also remember critical strike. This is a very important skill for all bowazons, elemental or otherwise. For gaining in dps output, maxing it is the way to go.|||@ droid - Yea I know I'm limiting myself a lot by not using cookie cutter skills, but didn't know how tough it was going in Hell, especially after clearing NM so easily :P. And thanks for the Merc suggestion, he's equipped with a Halberd Insight, and I'll make him a Blood Helm to help out with his Leech issues. I'm waiting for him to equip a Smoke in Ancient Armor once he get's the Strength.

@ Madness - At the moment I'm level 66 (I started another character over, but I have the same issues as before.) I do have a Merc with Insight, helps a ton. Just wish I had some more Mana Leech. For the helmet I do have a Valkyrie Wing, was gonna socket it with an Um Rune to beef up Resists, but not sure yet...And ya I learned to use Decoy a lot in Hell, it's super useful.

@zrk - Hmm interesting, I don't have much into CS (1 point) but ya more damage is always good.

I also now have a Razortail and that helps a lot as well.|||Quote:

And thanks for the Merc suggestion, he's equipped with a Halberd Insight, and I'll make him a Blood Helm to help out with his Leech issues. I'm waiting for him to equip a Smoke in Ancient Armor once he get's the Strength.

Thats part of the problem, Halberd is a normal class polearm. You'll want to upgrade to at least an Exceptional if not Elite class polearm version of Insight as soon as you can. If your merc's damage is negligible, then his leech is going to be 3% of negligible, plus he wont ever kill anything.

Smoke is good but also consider Treachery. Less resists off the bat, but when Fade triggers you get elemental resists plus physical resists. Also, the 45 IAS helps a lot with DPS/leeching as well as triggering his aura faster. And you still keep the FHR.|||Hi

If youre still going untwinked then I would save the um. I dont like Valk wings much for bowies personally. At best theyre a temp hat until u get something better but even lore is more helpful to a bowie imo anways.

I would save the um for something like a duress or gloom or maybe even stone (although I would pick duress--offensive oriented but still some nice def perks as well or gloom a bit less offensive boosting but stronger defense oriented before stone).

It'd also save the socket quest for something more useful.

Kaytie|||Level 66 is really low for Hell. Do some n/m runs until youre 75+ and you'll notice a big improvement when you enter hell.

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