Thursday, April 12, 2012

semi twinked javazon: viable for solo play/mfing?

[:1]Hey guys,

I came back to the game a week or so ago and have been working my way untwinked and have been enjoying it so far. I'm at a point now where I can semitwink somewhat my new characters(not runeword twinked but reasonable unique) and want to remake my javazon that I had years ago. My memory's not that great but I think I ran pit/ancient tunnel/worldkeep solo as a LF/jab amazon and I want to try and replicate that again. Is this still(or was it ever) a viable strategy? I'm not sure if there's been huge changes to the D2scene over the 5+ years that I've been absent that'd be relevant to me. Thanks!|||In a word: yes.

In a few more: For a few pgmes you should be able to get a razortail and titans. Slap on whatever gear you can come across to get +skills and take care of resists. Some kind of mana source (Insight merc if you can).|||There ya go. LF is still as effective as ever, but Jab/Strafe/MS falls short compared to Freezing Arrow.|||oo seems like exactly what I'm looking for thanks!

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