I made my first infinity yesterday, and put it on my LF zon thinking it would make her the unstoppable harbinger of death and destruction!!!!!!...well that didn't work. Range on conviction seems to be really small.
There also seems to be a short delay before mobs are surrounded by the green aura. Do I have to wait til I see the conviction aura on mobs before I let loose with LF? Is there actually a 2 or 3 second delay before aura becomes active on mobs or is that a trick of network latency?
Mobs do seem to melt away once conviction is on them, but I didn't realize I would have to position the merc and wait for the aura to kick in before that happened. Anyone with experience with infinity merc on a LF zon who can let me know if this is normal or not?|||No you don't have to wait, unleash your lightning fury as soon as you see them. Then, once your merc is on them, life gets easier. I recommend getting a Nightmare Defensive mercenary from act 2 for several reasons.
He will have Holy Freeze as an aura. This means he gets a nice boost in cold damage, and with Infinity, this becomes far more effective.
Holly Freeze will slow all monsters in his radius by more than half. This will slow them down, allowing more time for Conviction to affect them before they mob your merc.
Lightning amazons were very powerful before Infinity. This is as easy as it should be getting for you. Maybe you aren't getting enough damage from your gear? Ideally, it would look something like this:
Helm: Valkyrie Wing, Andariel's Visage, Griffon's Eye
Armor: Chains of Honors, Enigma
Shield: Spirit Monarch, Stormshield
Weapon: Thunderstroke, Titan's Revenge
Amulet: Mara's Kaliedescope, Highlord's Wrath (If you need more IAS)
Belt: Thundergod's Vigor
Gloves: Lavagout, Rare/Crafted +2 Javalin Skill Tree with 20% IAS gloves
Boots: Gore Riders
ing: Ravenfrost
Ring: Stone of Jordan|||My gear really sucks. I just thought that infinity would let me get away with crappy gear.
I'm still not completely clear though, you said "allowing more time for Conviction to affect them". So there IS a brief delay before their resists are lowered?
Sazabi's helm (shako is on my hdin atm)
Trechery or Smoke (enigma also on hdin)
Spirit Mon (yay, I got one right!)
Titan's (make that two!)
Razortail (although I have spare skills I can spend in pierce and equip tgod)
Loh or 20 ias KB gloves (haven't rolled skill gloves yet)
Silkweave boots (was trying to alleviate mana problems, also have waterwalks, treks, nat's and aldur's to choose from all for different reasons)
manald (also for mana problems)|||Quote:
I'm still not completely clear though, you said "allowing more time for Conviction to affect them". So there IS a brief delay before their resists are lowered?
Yes. It only give the -res when the aura is visible under the enemies|||Quote:
Razortail (although I have spare skills I can spend in pierce and equip tgod)
No. Razortail will make you do more damage. Stick with it.|||Things will get a lot easier once you get your hands on an Enigma for your zon as well, and gain the ability to position your merc with Teleport.
There's really no reason to wait to throw your LFs, though, unless you're running into ammo problems. You still do more damage with a weak throw and then a strong throw, than no throw and a strong throw, and your mana leech isnt affected by Conviction (only your MAEK from Silks).
If you're in an open, heavily-populated area like Cows or CS, though, its often useful to run past a pack of monsters and see if you cant trigger the monsters behind them to activate, then retreat back behind your merc, who should have his Conviction active by then, and clear them all away at once.|||Quote:
Yes. It only give the -res when the aura is visible under the enemies
This is not, in my experience, true. Sometimes the aura doesn't appear when it should, particularly when I'm teleporting around. Monsters still die in a hurry, even monsters that say they're light immune, but the conviction aura isn't around them.|||Well atleast my light sorc doesn't do anything to those strangler things in CS

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