Saturday, April 14, 2012

What is the purpose of those 500++ damage eth javelins?

[:1]I know some people search for the 40ias ~600 max damage eth self repair javelins. But my question is - WHY?

This 600 damage is like 100 damage in PvP, before damage reduction.

Or maybe Im wrong?

Why are those javelins so sought after? (they are to be used on amazons, not throw barbs)|||The 600 max you speak of is only the base weapon damage, in other words before off-weapon ed and critical strike etc. After you have applied the formula to calculate total damage, I assure you it will deal more then 100 points of damage in pvp.|||I still dont understand this, even with forti and 100str/100 dex the damage must be quite pityful|||In PvP, every bit of damage you can add is significant. Also, people just like rare/hard to find things.|||Quote:

I still dont understand this, even with forti and 100str/100 dex the damage must be quite pityful

With all your gear, charms, stats the damage peaks over 3k pvp damage with crit when throwing, so it is far from pitiful.|||Quote:

In PvP, every bit of damage you can add is significant. Also, people just like rare/hard to find things.

No not quite. Physical damage would usually do 1/20 against most pvp chars depending on who you face so aiming for more damage after geared is almost useless.|||With a lvl 18 throw barb lld using ~70 max dmg throwing spears and top dueling gear, their dmg can be around 1k or even a little higher(before calculating penalties). With 600 max base weapon damage and high level gear, they can deal pretty high damage in pvp I imagine. The only problem is the movement of high lvl duels probably, I had a hard enough time in lld duels hitting people.|||Quote:

No not quite. Physical damage would usually do 1/20 against most pvp chars depending on who you face so aiming for more damage after geared is almost useless.

Ethereal boosts the base damage 50% doesn't it? +50% damage seems significant.

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