Thanks for the thoughts|||Yes, both can be used with javelins.|||thanks!
10 chars|||Please read the pop up description when you place your mouse over the skill button. It tells you.|||... and I thought I was a n00b....

... and I thought I was a n00b....

ironically the guy with 370+ posts is the one asking, and you have 17, lol|||no need to make fun of a guy for asking basic questions...we were all in his shoes at one time.|||Quote:
no need to make fun of a guy for asking basic questions...we were all in his shoes at one time.
Speak for yourself. I was King from day 1.|||Quote:
Speak for yourself. I was King from day 1.
even two years ago, you were full of malarkey.|||You really so bored that you're going to go necro-stalk the banana man?
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