Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wrath strafer?

I'm going to try and build a Wrath runeword-based strafer, and any input will be appreciated.

Here's what I got so far. Wrath' 30% ctc Decrepify, coupled with Strafe, means all the monsters on the screen will be slowed, weakened and more vulnerable. This should make for a safer play and decent killing speed, despite the modest damage stats compared to the usual strafer choices such as WF, Faith or Buriza. The 5% ctc Life Tap may- or may not- cover the life leech needs. At least some immunes will be broken, too. Another interesting feature of Wrath is CBF, which means I could forego Ravenfrost and use rings for mana leech, resists, absorb, +life or other mods. (I'm thinking Manald/Wisp Projector. maybe even deploying a Heart of Wolverine during battle if it proves a decent survivor on the Decrep-covered battlefield).

Assuming the Crusader bow as a base (I don't have GMB), I can hit the 9/3 breakpoint with Treachery, Highlords and either 20% IAS gloves or a Jewel of Fervor in the helm, in which case I can go with a Might/Pride merc. Alternatively, I can do the same with a Faith merc, Highlords, 20IAS gloves and a Jewel of fervor, in which case I can replace Treachery with Fortitude.

Which would be more worthwhile?

Any other input will also be appreciated.|||This might be a worthwhile read for you if you're going this route.

If you are going this route, I would advise not removing Raven Frost just because you have an alternate source of CBF; Raven Frost comes with a decent amount of AR and 15% to 20% enhanced damage, which is often overlooked since it's known as the "CBF Ring". If you need the resistances and ML, then yeah, grab some rares. I would take mana pots and a RF over a Manald any day. Just trade for some 20 IAS/3 ML gloves instead.

I can't help you with anything else since I've never played such a build, best of luck though.|||I got it in Hydra Bow or ward I think?. Switch is Faith or Harmony.


Life Tap/Decript =

1 curse at a time effects them only and one procs more BTW|||Quote:

The 5% ctc Life Tap may- or may not- cover the life leech needs.

It's more than enough to keep ama alive. You can leech from undead monsters too, so its more effective than normal life leech.

Your merc don't need life leech items either. That life tap keeps him alive too.

I have done Wrath-strafer. It was tele-ama with Faith merc. Main target was Baal and it was easy target for her.|||Thanks for the input guys

omgwtfbbqpwned- Your (fascinating) link seems to suggest the Matriarchal bow as a base for Wrath, which I've found interesting. I assume IAS breakpoints are the reason. But I am a bit unclear on how much IAS I need for a Mat bow and how much for a Crusader bow (with AND without Fanaticism, because I might go with a Might/Pride merc).|||I've never personally used Wrath before (I might test) but definitely +1 for mat bow in my opinion, *especially* if you're not gonna have fanat. I think might/pride merc would also give you more damage than faith merc since you can make up the ias... You'll easily hit your bp if using mat bow, plus a 2nd tank over the valk is a big help.

As mentionned, I wouldn't ditch the raven either just because you already have CBF, as the dex and ar all really add up for bowas. Your mana needs should be pretty minimal with strafe anyways, nothing the 2nd ring slot and pots can't keep up with. The decrep and lifetap will override each other though, and considering the ctc ratio you aren't very likely to see lifetap on for very long at a time. A hard source of life leech sounds much more reliable to me, so dual leech rare would be the optimal in my view.

As far as armor goes, Id use fort over coh if you can afford the ias since your damage is physical, and skill/res aren't a priority. Fort+might+pride AND decrep would do alot for your dmg; you'll just need something else (magic arrow) for whatever immunes decrep can't break. Overall sounds like this build has great potential.|||Why'd you want to make a wrath using strafer when faith cost's around as much?|||Quote:

Why'd you want to make a wrath using strafer when faith cost's around as much?

I'm making her because it seems like a fun project. Why else do we play computer games?|||I prefer wf for zon and faith on a1 merc. Its a nice combo to have kb on bow and loh for gloves instead of those kb gloves which all those bowazons demand for.|||Quote:

I prefer wf for zon and faith on a1 merc. Its a nice combo to have kb on bow and loh for gloves instead of those kb gloves which all those bowazons demand for.

I figure, witt all monsters decrepified all the time I might not need KB as much. Although I am going for base vitality, so I might still need KB...

I mainly wanted Wrath because I'm a huge WWS fan, and Wrath strikes me as a souped-up WWS. Plus it allows Crushing Blow to become a significant source of damage despite the nerfing; perhaps not against single target, but a strafer dishing out CB hits against a dozen monsters at once might add up to a significant amount of hit points.

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