Saturday, April 14, 2012

PvM Frostmaiden help!!

[:1]Well i created a Frostmaiden (non-ladder uswest)and its at lvl 81 atm. I seem to be having a bit of trouble in hell since i can barely kill the monsters in act 4. My equips are pretty much standard for a frostmaiden but she is my 2nd character so im kind of not rich enough to get the items i wanted. I enjoy playing her out of all my experiences and i want to continue but i want her to be able to do hell easily but not too easy like hdins.

My equips:

Ice gmb

Treachery armor 45ias

Highlord 10ias

+2 bow gloves with 20ias

Goldwrap 20ias

Nightwing helm

2x ravenfrost


What can i improve to be able to run hell good enough ?|||Can you give specifics on what is giving you trouble? Immunes? Killing things in general? Are you dying fast? What hireling are you using?|||I can't imagine that you have probs with non-CIs so I'm guessing it's those painfully annoying cold-immune Grotesque things. If you want to solo Hell you're going to have to get some other form of damage; you can try Strafe/MS but imo a javelin switch is by far the best choice since you need the same type of gear. But mostly because LF destroys everything. Check out the Fishyzon.

Treachery's IAS is nice, but I would recommend something with res. Smoke, Lionheart and Gloom are cheap options, otherwise something like Um'd Vipermagi could also work.|||Im having trouble killing things in general, sometimes i can kill some monsters fast, some cold immunes get annoying but i hear you can have a merc with infinity for that|||Quote:

Well i created a Frostmaiden (non-ladder uswest)and its at lvl 81 atm. I seem to be having a bit of trouble in hell since i can barely kill the monsters in act 4. My equips are pretty much standard for a frostmaiden but she is my 2nd character so im kind of not rich enough to get the items i wanted. I enjoy playing her out of all my experiences and i want to continue but i want her to be able to do hell easily but not too easy like hdins.

My equips:

Ice gmb

Treachery armor 45ias

Highlord 10ias

+2 bow gloves with 20ias

Goldwrap 20ias

Nightwing helm

2x ravenfrost


What can i improve to be able to run hell good enough ?

highlords provides 20% ias and goldwrap provides 10% ias. You prolly did a typo there but its ok.

Anyways for the build if you are going to build it for just cold then cold immunes may give you some trouble. Even infinity will not break all immunes. The good thing is that your holy freeze will slow down all monsters allowing you and your infinity merc to do more physical damage to kill cold immunes.

Do you already have an ice gmb? They cant be made on nl but we do have a trading forum here where you can get that stuff depending on the supply and demand. Gl with all of that.|||It isn't feasible to try to break any immunes with infinity other than light immunes.

If you do get a merc for killing CI's, it won't be conviction helping you kill them, It's going to be his physical damage.

Plus, don't you want to put Ice in a MB? Soooo much easier to hit the 7 fpa breakpoint.|||The FA/strafe build is very viable in hell mode. He doesn't need another skill. Those two are very worthy by themselves. Check out the guides in the sticky. My Poor Man's guide and the others I link to in there should help you gain an understanding of gear and tips for playing.


Treachery's IAS is nice, but I would recommend something with res. Smoke, Lionheart and Gloom are cheap options, otherwise something like Um'd Vipermagi could also work.

Treachery's Fade takes care of res very nicely. With a skill like strafe it is going off so much that it will be on virtually all the time anyway. No need to go for a different armor if you're just looking for res. It is no CoH but it gets the job done.|||I'm not sure what you mean by "a skill like strafe" since it's ctc on struck, not striking. Don't get me wrong, I love Treachery for melee chars, but on chars like this that don't get hit that often I've found it's rarely up when I need it. I guess your mileage may vary |||It is "when struck". Sorry about that. I live in a cave.|||In general FA/strafe builds (im assuming you use strafe, you may not be) are quite survivable in hell. And the physical damage builds kill moderately fast. the maiden builds not as fast, but still decent. my non ladder zone runs faith with ice on switch, and the faith kills much faster in general. but I also don't use FA as much as strafe (hence im nore of a strafeazon with FA then a maiden with strafe).

But if your comparing them to a hammerdin or fully decked out WW bard, they wont kill as fast. They will kill much safer, but not as fast. they're power punch (FA) is designed for closely packed mobs, and strafe is great at hitting spread out targets (one of the best), but it's damage isn't very high per arrow.

But your flexibility is where you shine. I find decoy to be one of the best CC skills out there aside from nec curses. you have a cast-able tank that can hold their own against most the bosses (if you have enough points in them). slow missles, etc. that's the reason an FA/strafe can be such an effective first/untwinked character.

Also, what problems keep you from 'killing fast" ? FA on a non cold immune seriously smacks them around. are you running out of mana too fast? perhaps load your merc with an insight and try using it more liberally. or ramp up on the mana leech and spam strafe as much as you can. If the mobs are just not dying fast enough for your liking, load a reapers toll on your merc. that will also help take care of phys immunes as well. also cheaper then an infinity

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