Thursday, April 12, 2012

PvP Stalker (Charged Strike/Plague Javelin) V1

[:1]The Stalker

Charged Strike/Plague Javelin Amazon

Table of Contents




IV.Dueling Strategies


I. Intro

Hey folks, I've been seeing some quite a few posts lately asking about Poison zons so I figured I'd write a guide based on my experiences playing with a build that I've found to be a viable and fun pvp character vs all. I've always liked your standard Light Jav zons but they seemed a little lacking in versatility, so I turned to the garishly neon green colored side of skills and found that the two together can make for a pretty decent all-around dueler. Plague Javelin gives you a great defensive skill that will make people think twice about throwing on tgods and stomping you, while Poison Javelin gives you a long ranged attack to drain people that play defensively. The combination of teleport, Fast Attack speed, And a good amount of faster run/walk gear makes you pretty mobile and hard to lock down.


Strength - Enough to wear a Monarch

Dexterity - Enough to have 75% block with Stormshield or JMoD

Vitality - Everything else

Energy - Nada


You're going to want to maintain at least

32% Faster Cast Rate

32% Faster Hit Recovery

55% Increased Attack Speed

100% Faster Run/Walk

On All setups

There are two ways to go with some gear setup examples

Lightning Build

20 Charged Strike

20 Lightning Fury

20 Lightning Bolt

20 Plague Javelin

1 in all Passive Skills and Prerequisites

Rest in Poison Javelin

Main Gear


Griffon's Eye Socketed with Ias/Resist Jewel


2 Zon 13%+ FCR (for the 68%fcr breakpoint) extra mods to look for are Resists/Strength/Dex/Life/Mana


Enigma in any light armor


4Jav/40IAS/Self Replenish/xx mods Rare Javelins


5-6Jav/40IAS Magic Javelins


Arachnid's Mesh


Jeweler's Monarch of Defelecting socketed with 2x 15 IAS/Resist Jewels and 2x Light Facets


4 Socket Monarch with 2x 15 IAS/Resist Jewels and 2x Light Facets


2Jav/20IAS/Knockback/xx mods


30FRW/10FHR/Tri or Dual Resist Rares


20Dexterity Raven Frost

10FCR/Strength/Res Ring

Poison Build

20 Plague Javelin

20 Poison Javelin

20 Charged Strike

20 Lightning Fury

1 in all Passive Skills and Prerequisites

Rest in Lightning Bolt

Main Gear

Same as the lightning build except


Rare 2 Zon/20fcr/xx mods/2Socket with 2x IAS/Res Jewels (FRW is great if you can get it.)


Magic 3 Jav/20fcr/2Socket with 2x IAS/Res Jewels


2 Zon 18%+FCR

and replace the lightning facets in your shield with poison facets.

If you have a Rare eth self repairing javelin with 40ias and 300%+ed I hate you.

Use that as your main, it will add 2-4k to your throws which adds up quickly when you're attacking at 7-8fpa


8x Jav Lifer Gcs

1x Jav FHR

8x frw/res scs

2x fhr/res scs

With the Lightning build you can expect around 6.5 Charged Strike and 65k *ish Plague Javelin

With the Poison build you get 5k*ish Charged Strike and 90k Plague Javelin

Using the magic javs will add around 500 dmg to cs and 10k to plague

Both builds will net you about 3-3.5k life depending on your gear and shield choice.

Max Block/Physical Damage Gear

Eth Upgraded Titan's

Stormshield with 15Ias/Res

Cat's Eye

Gore Rider

Keep Kira's and Tgod's in your stash.

IV. Dueling Strategies

Weapon Switch Glitch (WSG) is rapidly pressing the weapon switch button while running away to break out of stunlock

Range of 1-5 with 5 being the hardest


ES Light or Fire - 1-2

Keep your Valkyrie up whenever possible and use a mixture of run and teleport.

If they play aggresively against you bait them into a plague javelin cloud (poison bypasses energy shield and goes straight to their life.) then get out of the path of their lightning (if fire try to keep your valk between you and them) and chuck some lightning bolts at them. While they are in the knockback animation quickly teleport on top of them with your valk stacked on top of you and kill them with charged strikes.

If they play defensively start throwing poison javelins and bolt at them to try and drain them and get them to play more aggresively.

ES Blizzard - 1-3

Keep your Valk up and stacked on top of you to eat some blizzards and try to avoid running through multiple blizzard hits.

These are harder because you don't really have the ability that other builds do to stack a ton of cold resist. Pick your shots with Plague/Poison/Bolt and try not to get hit. Wear Kira's with an ias/cold resist jewel if you feel that their damage is overwhelming.

Vita Light or Fire - 2-4

Poison damage won't be as useful here since these have much higher life than their energy shield variants and they can absorb your lightning. Play defensively and whittle them down with Plague/Poison/Bolt untill you can finish them off with fury or tele cs.

Vita Blizzard - 5

These are your arch nemesis since they have none of the weaknesses of energy shield/low life and much higher damage from a fully synergized blizzard. Use Kira's and whatever cold resist stack you can manage and try to avoid getting 1 hit ko'd.

Good Luck, you'll need it.

Melee Sorc - 1

Their resists are low or their damage is.

Throw a Plague at them and bolt to tele cs.


Lightning Javazon (No Teleport) - 1-2

Don't summon your valk here as it will be a magnet for lightning fury.

If they aren't built for teleport avoid their fury, teleport to them in a semi-circle pattern, and hit and them with plague to drain then finish with fury. They have a high damage charged strike so don't get cocky and try to tank them.

Teleport Build - 2-4

These are harder, but the same principle applies here, just put on your tgods, play defensively and try to drain them with poison until you can finish them off with fury or tele cs.

If they farcast, don't even waste your time with them, life is too short.

Bowa - 1

Always wear stormshield and teleport with walk on, try to keep you valk up, but if they are multishot-happy that could be easier said than done.

Teleport to them in a semi-circle pattern and stomp with cs, if they absorb use plague to drain them and finish with fury.

Plague - 1-2

Their plague damage is higher than yours but they lack the damaging lightning skills and mobility that you have, use bolt to knock them out of their poison clouds and then stomp with cs.


BvC/BvA - 2-5

Wear your Max Block Physical damage setup here, tele with walk, and try to keep your valk stacked on you whenever possible.

Try to have a plague cloud waiting for them, once they turn green start making short half screen teleports while hiting them with fury. Get the occasional cs in if they miss and make a long whirl. If your valk dies teleport away and resummon as quickly as possible, then re-engage.

Challenging but fun duel.

BvB - 1-3

Most wear fort and can't teleport and since they're built to duel other barbs, tend to have low resists. If you feel like being mean duel them like you would a bvc, but keep in mind that their damage can be through the roof and they can probably desynch whirl like paladins and charge, so don't get hit.

Warcry - 1

They have very high life with stacked resists, but are a low damage short ranged dueler. Keep inside a plague cloud and wsg to break their stun, and hit them with bolts while plague drains them. Once their life is about 3/4 or half teleport on them and cs.


Wind - 2-5

Don't use valk here (they'll use it to namelock you and it won't block tornado) and load up on the frw and physical damage.

Run south to make their stomps miss while hitting them with fury to clear out their zoo and lower their cyclone armor. At some point try and lead them into a plague cloud and let it drain them or try and finish them off with fury. If you get stunlocked, even wsg usually wont get you out of it since they can do so much damage so quickly. Never go on the offensive unless their wolves and oak are dead and their cyclone armor is down.

Fire - 1-3

Valk isn't really that helpful here and like the windy they can use it to namelock you. Run out of volcano and tele out of fissure. Volcano can stunlock you like crazy but you have a good amount of frw and a dangerous cs, fury, and plague. Clear out their zoo/low cyclone armor with fury and kill them with cs or fury if their armageddon is huting too much.

Fury/Rabies - 1-3

Don't summon valk since they can use it to infect you with rabies.

They have probably the highest life of any character and high damage with

fury and rabies, but they can't teleport. Stay mobile with teleport and lure them into a plague cloud, then hit them with fury and tele cs while they're in knockback animation. If they use an eth tombreaver with fury keep your distance and hit them with lightning fury until you're sure you can kill them with cs.

Fireclaws - 1

Keep your valk stacked on top of you and teleport with walk.

These guys are similar to fury wolves but they can do even more damage and stun you with shockwave. The problem is that they have lower life and fhr, so avoid being hit, plague them and fhr lock them with a knockback fury to tele cs.


Hammerdin - 3-5

Never stand still, don't trust your map to tell you where they are, and use your valk nd decoy to detect invisible hammers.

Spam some poison javelins in the direction that you think that they're going when they're offscreen. If you think they're going to stomp you, run south and throw a plague then teleport south and cast a decoy between you and where you think that they are, run and start throwing furies to try and break their desynch. Once you've drained them low enough you can kill them with fury. Never stomp them with cs, unless they are bad, they will kill you.

Smiters - 1-3 V/T - 3-5

Never stand still, tele with walk, and try to keep your valk up and on top of you.

Use your Max Block physical damage setup here with gores vs smiters, light res vs v/t.

Most smiters will try to just charge you to death right from the start, so teleport south and throw a plague below you then teleport into it. Hopefully they'll charge into it and get infected, If they do then run south and throw a decoy up betweeen you and them and throw furies at him. Once you get him down to 1/4 or 1/2 health knockback with fury and kill with tele cs.

If it's a v/t and they use a foh weapon switch wait for it and stomp them quickly with cs before they can get grief back out to smite you.

Foh - 1-2

Stack as much light res as you can and just teleport onto them with your valk on top of you and plague/cs.


Poison - 3-5

Try to keep your valk stacked on top of you, but run when they're offscreen.

You probably won't see too many of these, and even less that are built to be an actal dueler but if you run across a good one they're very tough.

They can kill you with 1 or 2 novas but their life and spirit damage will be low. Stay offensive but don't just stand around trying to get a namelock, keep mobile and lock onto them when you can to fury/cs. Throw some poison javs to get them playing more offensively but remember that their poison does much more damage than yours.

Bone - 5

It's essential that you keep your valk stacked on top of you to eat their spirits. Use your decoy to feel out where invisible spirit fields are. They can absorb you and bone prison you so you can't wsg out of stun while their bone armor will eat any physical damage you can hit them with. Try to hit them with a plague and fury from mid range until you their life is low enough to kill with tele cs. This is up there with Vita Blizz as your hardest duel, Good Luck.

Summon - 1-2

Run and try to distract his summons with your valk and decoy.

When he tries to stomp you, have a nice green plague cloud waiting for him. Throw a fury at him to kill his skeletons or knock him out of his summons for a quick tele cs to kill him.


Lightning Trapper - 4-5

Load up on the FRW to be able to effectively wsg out of stunlock, and teleport as soon as you're out. If they aren't locked on you can sometimes use a decoy to make his traps miss and then hit him with fury.

Most good trappers will play very offensively and try to stunlock and kill you with fireblast or dragon talon with lightning sentries. You need to wsg out of stun and hit them with a plague when they go to tele on you and drain them while hitting them with long range furies. If they overcommit to stomping without enough traps you can sometimes kill them with cs, but that doesn't happen very often. You can also try using an open wounds setup with Swordback Hold shield to try and drain them even more with fury.

Ghost - 1-4

Use stormshield here if you feel like you can't take their damage and teleport with walk, Keeping your valk on you whenever possible.

The deciding factor here will be if you hit them with plague early on in the duel. Once you turn them green either hit them with fury from mid range if they're good at keeping you stunned and tri whirling or tele cs if they aren't. In any case once they're down to 1/2 life start trying to draw them out of their traps so that you can tele cs them. I think this build really shines here in comparison to other zons and has a much better chance than most. In any case its a very fun duel and can go either way.

Hybrid Sin - 3-5

Use Tgods here with your main setup and use decoy to distract their traps.

If they duel defensively try to hit them with poison javs and fury to get them to leave their trap fields so you can hit them with plague and cs.

If they duel offensively use wsg to break stun but be wary of getting hit on the way out. If you can get them where they only have 1 or 2 traps around you can tele cs them. Drain them with poison and don't get into stunlock, as they can completely immobilize you with whirls and traps.

Fire Trapper - 1-2

Same as lightning but with less damage, range, and more stun capability. Bait them into a plague cloud and wsg like a madman, hitting them with fury or cs if you get them without their traps. Watch out for their fireblast since it can hurt even more than a regular trapper.

It's my first guide so go easy on me

Comments, Questions, Complaints?


As promised |||Looks good! Plague is very effective even if you dont invest heavily in it. It puts alot of pressure on the opponent, forces them to act quickly and because of this probably make some mistakes.|||Quote:

Looks good! Plague is very effective even if you dont invest heavily in it. It puts alot of pressure on the opponent, forces them to act quickly and because of this probably make some mistakes.

Thanks! Plague's a pretty great skill, especially in pvp, Some people expect it to be an insta-kill attack like tornado or hammer, But it just needs some time to work its magic.

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