A build centered around the Valkyrie more than the zon herself, with skill points only in valkyrie, synergies for valkyrie, or prereqs.
1 inner sight
1 slow missiles
20 decoy
20 valkyrie
20 penetrate (or enough to max chance to hit)
~12 dodge
~12 avoid
~12 evade
~12 critical strike
was thinking the zon herself would be a spearazon, but with no skill points allocated to spear skills. If fend didn't get f-ed up by dodge and avoid animations, I would put some points in that, but it does, so I can't. I want the valk to be as strong as possible, getting the bonuses from D/A/E and critical strike.
Should I max out jab and take some points out of D/A/E and critical strike?
Also, any thoughts about how much to put in each of D/A/E and critical strike? Again, never played a zon, but I bet there's less occasion for Evade to be useful than the others, so I should put less points in it? You tell me.
I'm envisioning the gameplay as a spear soldier army roaming the realms. I would use an Act2 normal merc w/ defiance, and perhaps later an Act2 nm merc w/ holy freeze. So it would be a party of three spear-wielders running around poking things.
Anxious to hear what everyone has to say.|||Quote:
So I've never done any zon before, and was wondering about the plausibility of the following build, that I've never quite seen before. Doesn't mean it's not out there, though.
A build centered around the Valkyrie more than the zon herself, with skill points only in valkyrie, synergies for valkyrie, or prereqs.
1 inner sight
1 slow missiles
20 decoy
20 valkyrie
20 penetrate (or enough to max chance to hit)
~12 dodge
~12 avoid
~12 evade
~12 critical strike
was thinking the zon herself would be a spearazon, but with no skill points allocated to spear skills. If fend didn't get f-ed up by dodge and avoid animations, I would put some points in that, but it does, so I can't. I want the valk to be as strong as possible, getting the bonuses from D/A/E and critical strike.
Should I max out jab and take some points out of D/A/E and critical strike?
Also, any thoughts about how much to put in each of D/A/E and critical strike? Again, never played a zon, but I bet there's less occasion for Evade to be useful than the others, so I should put less points in it? You tell me.
I'm envisioning the gameplay as a spear soldier army roaming the realms. I would use an Act2 normal merc w/ defiance, and perhaps later an Act2 nm merc w/ holy freeze. So it would be a party of three spear-wielders running around poking things.
Anxious to hear what everyone has to say.
Welcome to forum.
Usually you try passive-zon after you have done 10 or more different amazons. But it's ok to start with it too.
My last passive-zon was with Reaper's Toll. Lvl 40... valkyrie and both merc and zon holding Reaper's Toll was actually quite good, way better than I expected.
That team cleared hell chaos almost as fast as my Bow-Ama.
Might merc is good/best choice. Valkyrie is good tank and maxed decoy is very good too. So no need for holy freeze or defiance mercs.
Might merc is your only choice if you want strong valkyrie. Add enchant charges from Demon Limb and she is a real killer. I used those enchant charges for whole team when I last used passive zon.
You have plenty of points. Start with something like this
12 critical (max later)
10 penetrate (max later)
10 decoy (max later)
20 valkyrie
1 dogde, avoid, evade (one is enough if you have plenty of +skills, add couple more in each if not) Max those other skills first.
Couple points in jab and lots of crushing blow items (Guillaume, Duress, Gore boots) is good too.|||If you use ebotd ama pike (the only choice here), you can go for jaberzon. Be sure to check IAS breakpoints for jab holding spear. You definetly don't need holy freeze\defence mercs since you won't have any real defence suitable for hell. Go for maximum damage. And one point in dodge\avoid\evade is plenty with all the +skills you get from items. Penetrate and Critical would be good skills to max along with jab. Maybe - critical should go last after you max other skills.
If you use Faith act 1 merc, you will definetly bring more havoc to hell.|||If youre just standing there while the valk makes the kills, consider holding a Pride or Faith runeword. With aura's from both you and the Merc, she's bound to do much better.
Plus both runewords do fine damage themselves.|||with my ama, i dont take valkyrie, the merc is better and skill point take for other skill|||I agree with DH, but I question the reasoning behind spear use. I would imagine it being more effective if you put like 1 point in strafe and just about used that primarily with a Faith runeword bow, in addition to getting the merc from a2 with blessed aim.|||Any build with maxed valkyrie is viable but I'd go with might merc and daggers and some source of amp or open wounds to cope with the many PI's you'll meet on the way to guardian.

If you use ebotd ama pike (the only choice here), you can go for jaberzon. Be sure to check IAS breakpoints for jab holding spear.
Why the only choice? There are faster options out there. I personally prefure a matriarchal spear over a matriarchal pike. Stronger and slower means nothing with CB in the picture.|||sound's fun, starting my own, mind you i dont have all the stuff for gear as i'm starting back up again, sould be fun lol
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