Thursday, April 12, 2012

What type of Bowazon?

[:1]New to the amazon scene. I've only ever made Barbs, Pallys, and

Sorcs. At the moment I have an Uber Smiter and a Lite/Orb MF Sorc. I love the idea of the bowazon. Not sure why but the build appeals to me. Been going from forum to forum reading about bowazons. I'm not to keen on the javazon and I coulnt even tell you why. The frost bowazon looked interesting but am I going to have to worry about resists? Could I do a dual element zon like I've done with my sorc or will that hurt too much. I want this character to be PvM and at least solo chaos if that is possible. Any suggestions about a build or redirection to threads would be appreciated and I will read them. Don't worry about gear price either. I've got plenty to trade for, and even have my own zon stuff stashed up. Thanks in advance.|||Dual element amazon (magezon) is weaker, unfortunately the skill design just doesnt add up like it does for other elemental classes. For pure bows with unlimited budget, you're probably looking at a MS/Strafer with FA backup, or a Frostmaiden.

Dont worry about resists. They're going to suck, and there's nothing you can do about it except dont get hit Fortunately thats a lot easier for a bowazon than any other class.

If you're not entirely opposed to javelins, and are willing to do a bow/jav hybrid, Gunslinger (MS/Strafe with LF backup) is one of the best general area clearing builds, good for CS, Cows, Pits, etc. And there's always Fishyzon, the classic, (FA/LF) if you do like a more elemental build.

In almost any case, you're going to want to end up with a WF or a +3 Faith GMB, so you can start looking for that now Icemaiden is the only exception, I think.|||Okay thank you droid. I ended up getting a +2/+3 Faith last night so that's a start. Startedy zon and she's in act 1 hell. Need to start working on my gear. I'm leaning towards a strafezon w/Multi, or the frostmaiden. The frost maiden sounds like a lot of fun. Can she solo chaos with cold immunes? I've read a lot of your posts droid and you know what you're talking about. I don't ever ask, but would you give me advice on what to play? Which one is the most fun, and which one deals massive amounts of damage? If you could post a build for each that you recommend it would be greatly appreciated.|||Not exactly a "pro" zon player myself, but since you already have a faith bow in your arsenal, a multishot faith zon would be tons of fun. Just try and get your hands on an atma scarab ammy, and you are likely to overcome any physical immune mobs in the game.

From my experience, bowazons usually lack decent resist if your armor selection is subpar, and playing one without packing a nice high resist zon torch. If you are able to overcome that particular drawback, running chaos with a multishot zon can be a breeze. 1 or more points into guided arrow accompanied with a source of crushing blow from either a crafted glove, giant skull, or gore riders should be sufficient in taking on most bosses and uniques.

My previous Witchyzon ran with a

fort hauberk (300%edmg - kinda like the look of that armor on zons)

giant skull with 2 moded 15ias jewels (some crushing blow, sockets for ias, and knock back mod)

atma scarab (for amp dmg curse proc)

razortail belt (to hit 100%pierce with skills)

laying of hands glove (350%ed on demons)

wartravellers (for the +dmg which gets multiplied by our attack skill, some str/vita/mf)

dual leech ring (leeching back enough mana/life to keep shooting without drinking mana pots)

ravenfrost (dex and cbf mod)

up'ed witchwild string bow with 2 shaels (resist, deadly strike, amp dmg proc, and option to shoot lvl20 magic arrows with regular attack)

She wasn't exactly a "pwn-all" kinda zon, but I like the challenge of actually growling when I encounter harder to kill mobs with my slightly lower dmg WWS bow (compared to a faith bow). Sometimes having wave after wave of mobs being cut down like butter can get a little boring.|||Well personally, I never liked the mechanics of FA. I prefer the half-screen AOE of MS, and the fire-and-forget functionality of Strafe. But thats just me, I also prefer CL/FO sorcs to Meteorb for the same reason. I dont like to aim

With the Faith, I'd suggest going MS/Strafe. There's plenty of guides available here and the internet about it. Pretty much what Scoob said for gear.....only variations I'd give would be Gores instead of Wars, mainly because I like to run 0MF, and also because the DS provides about the same boost as the +dam on Gores, while the CB helps you with bosses while Strafing.

I forget where the IAS BPs are with your Faith, but check your gear to make sure you're hitting the fastest MS BP you can, but not wasting any socket slots on IAS you dont need.

For your merc, A2 Might with ebug Treachery, eth Pride, and your favorite LL helm, probably Vgaze. Once Fade triggers, he'll get all the res and %PDR he needs, and the 45 IAS means he leeches faster and procs Might sooner.

WWS on switch seems redundant if you have Atma's for the amp already. Dunno what else though, maybe CtA/Splendor? Demon Limb for insane AR? Or keep the WWS to stick Amp when needed, and switch your ammy for Highlords (+1 skill and more DS) or Cats Eye (dex and FRW)...that actually might be better since Amp only triggers from the middle 2 arrows when you MS, but DS applies to all arrows.

2 shael in WWS as a switch bow for Strafe is unnecessary, you'll be at a fast enough BP anyway. I'd go EthEth so your chance to hit (including Diablo) is as good as possible, getting that Amp to trigger ASAP so you can swap back to Faith. Maybe EthBer if you're super rich and bored, as the CB will be most useful at the start of the fight anyway, till Amp triggers.|||Pure Faith Strafer is nice cause you have good damage and you dont have to worry about IAS. You can use whatever items you feel like.|||^You could do the same with MS and still do as much (or more) damage.

IMO, with that Faith and a torch FA will be a much more reliable backup attack than Atma's tiny chance and level of amp. It's not like you've got a shortage of points...|||Maxed out Magic Arrow is good. Also, it's Magic, so it's extra good. And also, it's an arrow, so you can use it with a Bowazon.

With an slvl 50 Magic Arrow will convert 50% of your physical damage to magic. That's a whole lot of magic, baby!

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